Articles on: Game Servers

How to use Oxide Framework

How to use Oxide Framework

Oxide Framework is used by many server owners looking for a Modded Rust experience. Installing Oxide is made extremely simple through VertuoHosting!

Installing Oxide Framework

Navigate to the Vertuo Game Panel and select your Rust Server

Then navigate to Startup and scroll down until you see Modding Framework

Then select the dropdown and select oxide

Modding Root Directory should set to oxide automatically after restarting. If it does not manually type oxide into the box

You must restart your server for Oxide to install!

Installing Oxide Plugins

Locate a plugin you wish to install

Then navigate to Files → oxide → plugins and drag & drop the .cs file you just installed (You can do the same through SFTP)

Restart the server and the plugin will now install, if the plugin has a Configuration file it will be located in Files → oxide → config after the plugin has installed

Setting Permissions with Oxide

Locate the desired plugins documentation to find the proper permissions to use.

Navigate to Console in the Game Panel

Then type oxide.grant <user/group> <username/steamid64/group> <permission>

For example:

oxide.grant group admin oxide.reload

oxide.grant user VertuoHosting oxide.reload

Similarly you can revoke permissions the exact same way

oxide.revoke group admin oxide.reload

oxide.revoke user VertuoHosting oxide.reload

It is also important to set parent groups if you want a group to inherit permissions

For example:

If you want the vip group to inherit the default group's permissions you need to set the default group as the vip groups parent

To do so enter the following command into the console: parent vip default

The vip group will now inherit all of the default group's permissions

Oxide Commands Overview

For a full list of commands use the Permissions Guide

Updated on: 08/01/2025

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