Articles on: Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

Reactivate your windows after 180 days.

If you have a VPS with windows installed, you get a trial version of Windows for 180 days. You either can buy a license from us or Microsoft and activate it or extend your trial version.

You can only rearm the trial version for 6 times (1080 days), after this period you have to buy an actual license.

Please follow the steps below to rearm your Windows trial version

Open PowerShell and run the following command

slmgr -dlv

When the period comes to and end run the next command to extend it by another 180 days.

slmgr -rearm

Next reboot your VPS.
Once you rebooted your VPS, open PowerShell and check your settings.

slmgr -dli

You successfully extended your trial version with 180 days!

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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